Slideshow/Presentation tools – Example 1 Haiku Deck

February 23, 2014 at 10:18 pm

Over the last few months I’ve been using a number of different tools for creating and delivering presentations – partly to introduce training sessions and partly to demonstrate a range of tools and support those attending the training to consider when and how they might use the tools themselves. I plan to add a range of examples here over then next few blog posts beginning with these examples created with which is now both a mobile app and a web app. The great thing about the tool is how easy it is for non-specialists to create extremely professional looking presentations and either deliver those via or embed in a blog or vle etc or indeed export in various formats including PDF or PowerPoint for continued editing. Here’s a couple of simple examples that I’ve used recently:

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Of course as you may know I’m a regular Xerte user and like most online tools Haiku Deck presentations can easily be embedded within your Xerte LO’s.

More examples to follow.

Taking screenshots on iPhone and iPod Touch

September 25, 2008 at 9:18 am

I was looking for a way to capture screenshots on my iPod touch and started searching online for a solution. I was assuming that I needed to download an application of some sort but then I found a video tutorial on technorati showing how easy it is using the latest iPod Touch software. Basically it’s get to the screen you want to capture, hold in the menu button then quickly press the on/off button and that’s it! The screen goes white momentarily and the image gets stored in a saved images directory in the main images directory. The clips below shows this in action.

There’s some example screen shots in my posting about the iPod Touch WP theme and App.