
Name: Ron Mitchell

After many years employment at my last full-time post: Tower Hamlets College (which ended way back in July 08) and 30 odd years working full time in London, I’ve been working for myself full-time rather than just part-time ever since and based in the East Midlands but working both regionally, nationally and internationally.

What you should find here is some info about past and present projects, services I can offer, some links to resources to be found here and elsewhere, and hopefully the occasional blog postings which may be of interest.

I established my own company back in 2000 but most of the work prior to 2008 was through referrals or other project work as my time was restricted while I was also employed full-time. That also means a lot of my previous website and other online work, including Moodle courses etc, was previously restricted access. This site and blog at mitchellmedia.co.uk became my main public presence although still contains some areas of restricted access for clients etc.

In addition to my presence here, my other main site is xerteacademy.com and I’m also a co-director of Learning Apps Ltd who you may know are behind textwall.co.uk and a growing range of other services including VLE and Xerte hosting etc. We’re also the UK partner in the Future Teacher Project and you’ll find a number of blog posts and resources about that particular project here on this site.

I have worked with a number of trusted and respected colleagues over the years and continue to do so and together we have worked individually or collectively on regional, national and international projects and so it’s true to say I/we have the capacity to support your requirements large or small and would be happy to discuss your needs.

Browse the pages and links on the site and use the contact page if you wish to contact me for any reason.

I look forward to working with you.



Example bio:

This example bio is always likely to be out of date at the time of reading and/or missing information because it’s not practical or appropriate to keep this updated with details of every new client or area of work. It would also be too lengthy to cover every aspect of my work in detail however I do sometimes get asked for a quick link to a bio in advance of preparing a more specific or contextualised version so the following should at least provide this function.

Ron has now worked full-time in education for over 30 years, mostly in London where he started in 1977 with the ILEA and has since worked in Secondary, FE and ACL sectors as well as some collaboration with HE.

At the end of July 2008 Ron left his full-time post at Tower Hamlets College (THC) where he had worked in different roles for many years – mostly leading and managing ILT/e-Learning and subsequently managing college wide staff development and CPD. At THC Ron’s work included development of systems and strategies, management and support of staff development and learning technologies, development and delivery of training courses and continuous generic and specialised staff development and support, including delivery on teacher training courses.

As part of the wider ILT community and also as part of previous work with LSDA/LSN, JISC (including RSC London), BECTA and Techdis, Ron has organised, delivered and/or contributed to a large number of events with a particular keeness to facilitate sharing of good practice and resources and promoting inclusion at both a practical and strategic level and is regularly involved with various committees, focus groups, projects and mailing lists. This has previously included development and delivery of an innovative project and course (London Online) involving teaching and technical staff from London colleges in the development of e-learning materials for SfL, working as LSN e-learning regional coordinator for London managing and supporting Q Projects and subsequently developing and supporting ITQ and eCPD projects nationally. More recently Ron has been involved in mentoring and supporting the MoLeNET mobile learning projects which included working as specialist mentor to the London based projects.   Ron now works full-time as a self-employed consultant offering e-learning and m-learning training, development and consultancy. This previously included consultancy work back at THC, training and consultancy for various individual providers, work with LSN as part of the MoLeNET mobile learning programme, working as part of the team of facilitators supporting the LSIS/BDP eCPD programme and working as Associate e-learning Adviser for JISC RSC-London. More recently work has included supporting LSIS projects, consultancy on behalf of ALT as part of Changing the Learning Landscape programme, Working with NIACE & JISC Techdis on the maths4us programme, work with the HE Academy and National Teaching Fellows and various work with individual providers including FE, Specialist Colleges, ACL, HE, WBL and some commercial clients.