learningmathsonline.ac.uk officially launched today

October 2, 2013 at 7:15 pm

Along with colleagues at JISC, JISC Techdis, Niace, Learning Unlimited etc I’ve been working on a Maths project developing interactive resources for the past few months and together with another long time colleague Terry Loane we’ve been using a combination of Xerte, Articulate Storyline and other tools to develop the interactive resources in collaboration with the team from Learning Unlimited.

The http://learningmathsonline.ac.uk site has been public for a while now but it’s arguably it’s first official launch at an event today although behind the scenes we are still working on the materials as well as the site and will be for a while yet. One of the things we’ve been looking at together with Alistair McNaught, Shri Footring and Michael Rippon is how best to open the learning objects from the WordPress site from both an accessibility and usability perspective and particularly what the user does when reaching the end of a learning object to return to where they were.

The two links below are a test to demonstrate two possible ways of doing this. The first screenshot link is a standard chromeless pop-up window and the second is a lightbox pop-up. We’ll have to see what works best?…


Opens in a new chromeless window


Opens in a Lightbox window
